Ireland Spits at God, Begs his Wrath in Repeal of 8th Amendment

In a referendum vote, the people of Ireland have voted to repeal the 8th Amendment...

Liberal Writer Prefers Manifest Evil…Unsurprisingly

A liberal writer recently tweeted that he'd rather his daughter date a member of the MS-13 gang than a member of the Republican Party. This really shouldn't surprise us, since most liberal thought is bases on senseless emotions, not in reason or reality.

Boy Scouts Name Change Snubs Young Boys. But the Church did it first.

The Boy Scouts will soon be dropping "Boys" from its name, and will allow...

Is Bieber a Believer?

Justin Bieber has abandoned the Easter Bunny in favor of Jesus Christ this Easter...

YouTube Star Becomes Catholic

Have you ever heard of the YouTube channel LizziesAnswers?  Neither have I.  But she...


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